Wednesday 25 October 2017

About Last Week...

I was one of two Hurricanes to hit Ireland the weekend before last.. just kidding , I don't say things like that. It seemed like a good one-liner to open things up with. Considering my week since, has been well...

Last I typed of the end to my nights shifting . Thursday evening I went in a wow to the Land of Ire to visit Ms. Josephine. The day I returned from Dublin was to be Tuesday, which was the day hurricane Ophelia happened and my flights were delayed. Two more days at home with Josephine in her full house.

A familiar friend in blogetry's past, she celebrated her 21st Birthday and a homecoming. THE WHOLE FAMILY was there. Precious. On route via Luas to the city centre, Josephine's mum wanted to review with her the names and ages of all her younger cousins . She is like their cool aunty travelling her way through adult hood and engineering a path for their greater good.

Prior to Opheila, Josie held my hand whilst I did my first open mic acapella. During Ophelia we binge watched the first season of Riverdale. Isn't it beautiful how you can go from global room mate hobo's to best friends.

"When life gives you lemons"
they say

Ummm if I have to make lemonade I like to see a formation of sugar , some of that really needs to be stirred into the mix. Alright alright. My sweet tooth thrives on ; love, pure human kindness, adventure, spontaneous Kurt Cobain portrait tattoo's .. kidding.

A wise human once said
"Treat yo' self"

Thursday was my Monday, 8am the day after landing. And overtime Saturday.

I SLEPT FOR 12 HOURS SATURDAY NIGHT.  Today I'm sharing a big secret. Actually 2.

1. Double espresso
2. Don't keep secrets

The not so new job is muy bien. 

Maybe this time next year I'll be writing a whole post en EspaƱol. ..If I can socialize like a people in the cafe.. I have the opportunity to be with co-workers whose first language is Spanish . ...yesterday I publicly embarrassed myself in the lunch room... I'll have to learn the word for laugh.

One word a day and with 365 I can at least be ,what I word dreamt up to be "Intentionable" .

; able to communicate ones intentions. Soley in context to/ in a situation involving one having to form a new understanding of communication with intent.

3. the secret question to elude to the answer of all life problems...
...Who are Merriam and Webster?

Intentional . Questioned yet again Sunday morning. My car was a scene of theft. That's what I shall call this strange occurrence. Not broken into because I leave my door unlocked (it's broken). And nothing I couldn't part with was taken. My mixtape, spare interior lights and glove compartment junk.

Tutela park area we have a curious cat in the neighbourhood. Possibly with ears on fire.
HA maybe I'll get exactly that tatted beside Kurt...

Wednesday . Today. (No hablar days of the week yet) Has been one full of wellness.

Next week I shall introduceeee


Happening at my place NOVEMBER 10th .

Until next time. Check deeeez out

most missed track to car jam too <3

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